Sponsors & Decorators
Sponsors are typically businesses and groups, but some individuals sponsor trees as well. As sponsor you can choose to decorate your own tree or arrange for another group to decorate it. The FOT committee can help match you with a non-profit group to decorate your tree.
Info letter
Application (to be printed & mailed in)
Often non-profit groups and organizations team up with a sponsor to decorate a tree. If you are interested in decorating a tree sponsored by someone else, the FOT committee can help match you with a sponsor.
Info letter
Application (to be printed & mailed in)
2024 Decorating Dates and Hours
Tue, Dec 3: 9am to 12pm; 4pm to 7pm
Wed, Dec 4: 9am to 4pm
Thu, Dec 5: 5pm to 7pm
2024 Take Down Dates and Hours
Mon, Dec 16: 9am to 4pm; 5pm to 7pm
Tue, Dec 17: 9am to 2pm; 5pm to 9pm
Wed, Dec 18: 9am to 12pm